Relax & Learn ~ Improve Your Photography.

… If You Want To Be Better ~ I Will Show You How.

5 Places Only ~ 2 Places Left.

Enrollment Deadline: 6th March 2025.

Travel & Landscape Photography Travel & Landscape Photography

Keeping Learning Fun & Enjoyable.

… A Sense Of Humor Makes Improvement Easy.

Improvement Needs Professional Experience.

… And Artistic Knowledge.

Creative Travel and Landscape Photography Workshops for Phase One Camera and Leica Camera owners before going on Creative Escapes Photography Holidays and Photo Tours. David Osborn Photography, London, UK.

David Osborn Photography, London, England, 2025.

Take Your Creativity Beyond The Camera.

… Your Camera’s Best Friend Is Knowledge.

Ansel Adams never printed in a literal way; no great photographer ever did. They transformed their photographs to make personal statements and express ideas; otherwise, how would their photography be different or unique? Many photography enthusiasts want to be more artistic and creative but don’t know how.  By understanding the Psychology of ‘How pictures work’ and Artistic Knowledge to ‘Make pictures that work’, you fast-track the learning process. – Your camera can’t do all the work; my knowledge compliments your investment in beautiful cameras.

40 years of professional photography experience gives me the knowledge to help you find, photograph and then retouch stunning artistic travel and landscape photographs filled with light, mood, drama, and atmosphere, even when your time is limited and weather conditions aren’t perfect. – You gain artistic style and creative satisfaction.

My One To One Photography Tuition is your entire education in photography and picture-making, from camera to print, teaching a structured workflow to enthusiasts of all ages and abilities who desire to improve their travel and landscape photography. – My workshops are not Photoshop courses and don’t teach a preset style; I give you the artistic knowledge and workflow to develop your own distinctive style. – My personal style is shown here. Yours will be different. – Why Not Explore My Photography Tutorial?.  – it’s your free workshop to get you started now.

Curious To Learn More? ~ Scroll Down …

Creative Travel and Landscape Photography Workshops for Phase One Camera and Leica Camera owners before going on Creative Escapes Photography Holidays and Photo Tours. David Osborn Photography, London, UK.

Why Invest In A Workshop? ~ The Benefits.

… Gain The Confidence To Be Unique While Removing The Stress.


Nothing Is Left Out.

Most photography workshops either teach you how to take pictures or how to retouch pictures in the tutors style. – Nobody teaches you the psychology behind how pictures work and nobody teaches you psychology, artistic knowledge, photography and the retouching all in one comprehensive workshop. – This isn’t a Photoshop course. It’s an entire education in photography to make your pictures unique.


Remove Your Stress.

Stress isn’t fun. – Being in a beautiful location and not knowing what to do is stressful. Having pictures fail for technical reasons is stressful. Not liking your pictures when you get home is stressful. All this stress is removed with knowledge. – Your photography becomes more fun and enjoyable. Knowledge removes the stress, gives you confidence and makes photography relaxing. – Stress ruins your enjoyment.


Gain Creative Satisfaction.

There’s nothing more satisfying than being able to create the picture you want; to be in control of the image. – To look at the photograph and say ‘I did that’ – then set out to do even better. It’s a satisfaction money can’t buy. Creative satisfaction comes from knowledge. Your freedom to create what we want because you have the knowledge to do so. – It’s an enjoyable creative escape from the realities of life.

Online Workshops. ~ Every session is video recorded live. ~ All the knowledge is documented so it can’t be forgotten.

Creative Travel and Landscape Photography Workshops for Phase One Camera and Leica Camera owners before going on Creative Escapes Photography Holidays and Photo Tours. David Osborn Photography, London, UK.

Exhibition: Leica Gallery Konstanz, Germany.

18 January 2025 ~ 5 April 2025.

David Osborn: Where Photography Meets Art – Taking Creativity Beyond The Camera.

Admission is free.

Address: Gerichtsgasse 14, 78462 Konstanz, Germany.
Phone: +49 7531 9163300

Website: Leica Gallery Konstanz.

Like To Learn My Workflow?

Enrollment Deadline: 6th March 2025.

Everyone Can Improve.

… It Just Takes Knowledge. ~ Knowledge Can Be Learned.

Creative Travel and Landscape Photography Workshops for Phase One Camera and Leica Camera owners before going on Creative Escapes Photography Holidays and Photo Tours. David Osborn Photography, London, UK.

Carlo Marrazza, Italy

Hi David,

One of the most valuable things I did in my Photography journey was spending time with you. – Since then, I have always adapted your methods to my Photography and last November 2023, I was awarded International Photographer of the Year – in the People section, and, much more importantly, I won the Lucie Award as a non-professional photographer.

So, thank you, David. I hope you are fine.
My best regards.

Carlo Marrazza Photography.

Creative Travel and Landscape Photography Workshops for Phase One Camera and Leica Camera owners before going on Creative Escapes Photography Holidays and Photo Tours. David Osborn Photography, London, UK.

IPA People Photographer of the Year 2023. Bakkarwals of Jammu and Kashmir, India.

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