I help you with the Artistic Knowledge needed to create Engaging

Photography and Photoshop techniques can be learned anywhere. – Artistic Knowledge Can’t.

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“Photography is ‘nuts’. At one extreme, we have social media ‘experts’ teaching you to be literal and boring. At the other extreme, artists and academics teach you to be wild and whacky; so deep and meaningful that nobody understands what you’re on about. Both do my head in. – The principles of Photography are very simple. Viewers want an interesting idea, told clearly so they understand it. A common sense middle-ground approach. – My job is helping you to do that”.

That, probably ruined my Christmas cards! – David Osborn, 2024.

Workshop examples. This is my artistic style. Yours is different, but – The underlying ‘Artistic Principles’ don’t change.

David Osborn Photography, London, England. Teaching enthusiast photographers creative and artistic travel and landscape photography. One-to-one tuition, booked on demand. Online or in-person workshops.

Artistic Training For Photographers.

My tutorial gives you free intelligent knowledge. Not superficial ‘tips & tricks’.

Digital cameras make it very easy to take pictures without understanding pictures. People rely on cameras to do all the work; this produces cold, clinical, and literal pictures. Enthusiasts need help with learning how pictures work to improve their Photography. – I offer artistic training so you can create engaging, thought-provoking travel and landscape Photography full of beautiful light, mood, drama and atmosphere.. – Artistic knowledge that gives you the creative confidence to be different, a unique artistic style, and great personal satisfaction.

Artistic Knowledge could be your weak link. – Few teach it. – I do.

David Osborn Photography, London, England. Teaching enthusiast photographers creative and artistic travel and landscape photography. One-to-one tuition, booked on demand. Online or in-person workshops.

Carlo Marrazza, Italy

IPA People Photographer of the Year 2023. Bakkarwals of Jammu and Kashmir, India.

Extraordinary Pictures From Ordinary Scenes.


Learn The Artistic Principles.

Cameras don’t account for human nature’s expectations. They record what they see in a literal way. The camera can’t produce all the visual qualities we need for the photograph to be perceived as engaging.


Learn The Photography Skills.

The visual qualities that the camera can’t produce must be added by human input in post-production. The ‘Artistic Principles’ tell us which visual qualities we need to apply to make strong, engaging pictures.


Learn The Photoshop Techniques.

Light, three-dimensional form, and the sense of spatial distance give the picture realism; a point of reference to understand it. The artistic interpretation makes it different and stimulates people’s curiosity.

David Osborn Photography, London, England. Teaching enthusiast photographers creative and artistic travel and landscape photography. One-to-one tuition, booked on demand. Online or in-person workshops.

40 Years Of Work Experience.

Passing on my lifetime of knowledge.

I have 40 years of experience as a professional photographer. I began as a hard news photographer with Reuters News Agency and national newspapers in London. This was followed by corporate photography all over the world, which culminated in documenting London’s £4 billion Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 construction project. Now, as a personal tutor, I offer live online or in-person workshops. I will teach you Artistic Knowledge, Photography Skills, and Photoshop Techniques to make beautiful travel and landscape Photography. – Everything you need to know from concept to print in one workshop. – One-to-one personal Photography workshops, booked on demand.

Personal tuition means I can only teach 24 students each year. – Please email me for availability.

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